
This little corner of cyberspace is my attempt to begin building an audience for my writing. What better way to do that than to give away some of my work for free?

I will be publishing a set of short stories here that are all prequels to a forthcoming novel entitled The Druids of Glengarriff. Each short story will briefly explore one of the chief characters from the novel and their past interactions with my antagonist. They will introduce you to the larger over-arching story that will begin and conclude in the novel and hopefully give a greater sense of depth and meaning to the actions of each protagonist.

The more important reason for doing all of this is to allow you, the reader, to "try before you buy". If you enjoy my writing style and the stories that I create, I simply ask that you share that information through word-of-mouth and whatever social media you prefer. In order for me to eventually do this professionally, I will obviously need to sell books. That's where the novels come in. The good news is - if you loved the free short stories, you will probably love the novels as well!

The first step on this journey awaits you in The Clover House Warden. Enjoy!


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